Construction project of the platform of the high velocity line “Antequera-Granada”. Stretch: “Quejigares-Variante de Loja” (2012)
The works consist in introduce a high velocity platfor, until the subballast level, the estructure execution, the draining works, the service and right affected and the movement volumes of earths, conduits, cable crossings and the needed finalization of the line of the stretch “Quejigares-Variante de Loja” of the high velocity line “Antequera-Granada”.
The redaction of the technician documentation for the tender of the high velocity line “Antequera-Granada” consisted, among other works, the following:
- Coherence and viability construction revision of all the documentation that defines the project. Particullary the annexes referents to the geotechnics, earth movement, estructures and rail affections.
- Space-time diagram..
- L3D graphic model of the constructive procedures.